Thursday, October 28, 2010


Here are some Thanksgiving pies. Pumpkin pie, sugar pie with apple, and a covered apple pie with homemade plum jam. It sure is hard to do pies justice with a camera!

All ready to be packed up!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Well hello to anyone still out there!!! Turns out my attempt at blogging panned out similarly to my childhood attempts at diary keeping: difficulties in reconciling the somewhat narcissistic act of recording everything to due with ME, left me feeling bored and self-conscious.

That being said, I have still been photographing my noshing endeavors, and am anxious to post my most recent and favorite hobby. Lately I have been obsessed with pie. From start to finish, baking pies allow for tremendous relaxation, meditation and satisfaction. They taste so good too!!

Here's a sequence of photos dedicated to the good ol' apple streusel: